About Us
Our Mission
We’re Jeff and Bri, co-founders of RunLoveRun.
We started this running and coaching community together to share our passion and love for running with you. We are committed to giving you the individual attention you need to reach your maximum potential. Whether you already love running, or even think you hate running, we are the coaches for you. And if you have doubts about your ability to achieve your goals, this is the community for you. With RunLoveRun, you will surpass your goals surrounded by people who want to see you succeed!

Where We Started
Neither of us fell in love with running on our first run…or second, or third. Our running story began when Jeff started his weight loss journey in 2015. Through running (walking first), he reached his goal of losing 200+ lbs and completed the Buffalo Marathon. What happened next? Jeff fell in love with running. He loved running so much that it was infectious, and he got me to start running with him.
Early on, I was not running’s biggest fan. I would gripe and moan when he would ask me to go for a run with him. I know you’ve all been there. But through training and learning how to set goals for myself, I started to enjoy running, and have since fallen in love with the process.
Where We Are Now
We are both living and loving life in North Eastern Pennsylvania, surrounded by beautiful scenery and diverse running terrain.
Jeff is currently training for the Dawn to Dusk to Dawn 24 hour endurance event in Sharon Hill, PA on May 11th, where his goal is to run 100 miles in 24 hours. He also has some other exciting running goals in the works, so stay tuned for those! When Jeff is not running, he is working with our RunLoveRun athletes to help them reach and exceed their goals. Jeff has the determination and an unparalleled passion to help you achieve any goal you set for yourself.
Bri is currently injured and unable to run for a while, so she has begun adventuring on two wheels instead of two feet. She is a huge advocate of getting outside and working hard, even if her preferred sport isn’t an option. When Bri’s not running or biking she loves snowboarding, reading, and any adventure that involves a good coffee!